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Improving gut health with diet and exercise

Improve Gut Health With Exercise And Nutrition

Seniors often complain about digestive issues, with poor digestion ranking as one of the most common symptoms of aging.

While reasons for miserable gut health could be many including age and other health conditions, improper diet and lack of exercise are two of the most prominent reasons for poor gut health in the later stages of life.

The good news is you can still optimize your gut health naturally through diet and by staying physically active.

In light of this article, we’re going to take a look at the optimal food choices and the best exercise regimens to achieve a healthy gut. 

The foods and exercises we’re going to shed light on will help achieve the right balance of bacteria in the gut. However, for faster results, you can check out our Internal 911, manufactured with 10 powerful ingredients that work in unison to purge out all intestinal and body toxins.

But first, let’s take a look at some fundamentals:

Why Is Improving Gut Health of Great Importance?

Gut health—also characterized as the microbiome—is essential for overall health.

slew of studies has demonstrated the importance of a healthy gut to your overall health and wellbeing since it houses over 70% of your immune system.

Thus, a balanced gut isn't only essential for healthy digestion but having enough beneficial gut bacteria in the gut keeps you healthy in other ways as well.

Why Is Balanced Microbiome (Gut) Necessary to Achieve Optimal Health?

Your microbiome is a bacterial ecology. In addition to aiding in the fermentation of the food you consume, these bacteria can promote healthy blood sugar levels, digestion, and overall wellbeing.

Your gut can be harmed by anything, from medications to inflammatory meals. It may be an indication of a microbial imbalance in the gut if you're having problems with poor digestion, stomach discomfort, or acne.

Without further ado, let's take a look at some foods that are proven to promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

Proven Foods That Support Healthy Gut

Fiber Rich Asparagus

Consuming asparagus is a great approach to help satisfy your fiber needs and maintain a healthy digestive tract. 

Besides maintaining a healthy digestive system, asparagus helps promote regularity and lowers your chances of developing illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Nutrient-Rich Leafy Greens

In addition to providing minerals like folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A, leafy greens like spinach or kale also provide significant sources of fiber. According to research, leafy greens also contain a specific kind of sugar that promotes the growth of good gut bacteria.

You can develop the optimum gut microbiome (the trillions of organisms that live in the colon) by eating enough fiber and leafy greens. 

Tasty Whole Grains

Unlike processed carbs like white bread and pasta, whole grains are high in fiber and include additional nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids are created when bacteria ferment fiber in the gut. These molecules promote proper function in the cells lining the colon, which houses 70% of our immune cells.

According to medical professionals, choosing whole grains will improve your digestive system because your colon needs at least 25 g of fiber every day for optimal performance.

Although low-carb diets are popular for weight loss, eliminating grains altogether may not be the best option for healthy gut bacteria, which depend on fiber.

Lean Protein

Lean proteins are best for people with IBS or gastrointestinal sensitivity, and meals high in fat, such as fried foods, should be avoided.

High-fat diets can cause bowel contractions, and red meat's high-fat content is only one reason to choose healthier options.

Coconut Yogurt

Coconut yogurt can promote intestinal health since it contains probiotics.

Every type of yogurt contains beneficial microorganisms and is just mildly fermented. Yogurt is often produced using animal milk.

However, coconut yogurt (COCOYO) is one of the many plant-based yogurts available. COCOYO has a staggering 25 billion probiotics per 1/2 cup serving (with no added sugar).

Flax Seeds

Flaxseed is frequently used to treat constipation or enhance digestive health.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol and total blood cholesterol may both be decreased by flaxseed, which may help minimize the risk of heart disease.

Make sure to grind your seeds or purchase ground flaxseed and store them in the freezer or refrigerator. You may use powdered flax as an egg substitute in vegan baked items or add it to smoothies, porridge, and yogurt bowls.

Top Exercises to Promote Gut Health

“People who are more physically active,” according to research, “have healthier guts, which promotes immune health, digestion, and even mood.”

Check out these simple workouts to improve digestion and reduce abdominal fat.

Brisk Walking

One of the simplest activities to incorporate into your schedule is walking. Your digestive system will benefit greatly from a quick walk in the morning, during a break at work, or in the evening.

For the best digestion effects, walk for at least 30 minutes. Walking helps control bowel spasms and keeps them regular besides benefitting your gut flora.


Cycling is a terrific technique to boost digestive health and burn abdominal fat. Cycling is light on the stomach and has the power to improve digestion by calming down digestive processes.

Breathing Exercises

Many individuals are unaware of the benefits of basic breathing exercises for gut and general health and wellbeing. Whereas, your digestion can be impacted by improper breathing, which can result in acid reflux, heartburn, and bloating.

Practice breathing slowly in and out while sitting up straight. Feel your tummy rise and fall as you breathe. Make sure your abdomen, not your chest, is moving because doing so would imply deeper diaphragmatic breathing. In addition to enhancing digestion, this will assist in controlling stress and inflammation levels.

Go Slow and Accelerate from There

If you're just getting started and unfamiliar with exercise, ease into it.

According to Taylor Valentino (Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City who focuses on the connection between the microbiota and muscle development), "Don't make the transition from couch to marathon."

To begin with, you don't want any accidents, and you want to create a permanent habit.

The idea, according to him, is to use activity to provide your microbiome with a steady supply of fuel.


In this article, we’ve analyzed the importance of a healthy gut for overall health and wellbeing.

Although several factors could damage our gut health, lack of nutrients and inactivity are the prominent causes of a poor digestive system.

By consuming the discussed foods and carrying out exercises, you can promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut while kicking the toxins out of your system.

All of these natural methods help improve gut health over time, but for faster results, you can take a look at Internal 911, which supports healthy gut flora balance, boosts digestion and bowel regularity, and aids with natural weight loss.