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Organic Health Supplements

What Does Organic Really Mean for Health Supplements?

Walking down the health supplement aisle in your grocery store or pharmacy, you’re bound to see “organic” all over the place. While most of us associate this label with “healthy,” “pure,” or “clean” food or health supplements, have you ever really sat down and researched what this designation means?

There’s a reason why many of the top health supplement companies, including PhytAge Laboratories, only use organic and all-natural ingredients in their products. Organic ingredients offer more nutritional value than conventional ingredients and can protect you from consuming pesticides, synthetic growth hormones, and other harmful chemicals. Going organic is also beneficial for the environment as these practices cut down the use of harmful synthetics and work to protect our natural resources through sustainable techniques. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at what organic really means and how this important label can affect your overall health and wellness.

Here at PhytAge Laboratories, we’re proud to be a consistent leader in the health supplement industry. We’ve created numerous groundbreaking health supplements, to protect and maintain almost every aspect of your health. If you’re concerned about your blood pressure, vision, hearing health, thyroid health, or other health issues, we have an organic health supplement to help you optimize your health. Using only all-natural ingredients and fast-absorbing vitamins, our health supplements are safe and effective and can make a powerful difference in helping you maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

What Does Organic Mean?

We see it all the time on our meats, vegetables, fruit, and even health supplements—but what does this word really mean? To begin, “organic” means different things depending on where you live. Varying countries and regions have different qualifications for foods and substances.

Here in the United States, the organic designation is determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Per the USDA, organic refers to foods that are grown and processed according to strict federal guidelines. These guidelines address a multitude of factors, including animal raising practices, soil quality, pest and weed control, and the inclusion of any additives or chemicals. As the producer of organic food, one must rely on natural substances and physical mechanical, or biologically-based farming methods to the fullest extent deemed feasible and possible.

When it comes to your produce, the organic label can be used if the fruits or vegetables were grown in soil that has not been treated with any prohibited pesticides or fertilizers for at least three years prior to the harvesting. For meat, organic regulations require that the animals are raised in living conditions designed to accommodate their natural behaviors. For example, for cattle this means that they have the opportunity to naturally graze on grass in a pasture. Additionally, the animals must be fed 100 percent organic feed and never be administered any antibiotics or growth hormones.

Even processed foods can be deemed USDA organic. Processed, multi-ingredient food, such as pasta or yogurt, must contain no artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors to be considered organic. When a package says it is made with organic ingredients, this means that the product must contain at least 70 percent organically-produced ingredients. The other ingredients must be produced without prohibited practices, such as growth hormones or genetic engineering. If a product is made with some organic ingredients, it won’t bear the well-known “USDA organic” sticker, but it can still be healthier for you than alternative products on the shelf.

What are the Benefits of Organic Ingredients?

For some, the organic label may not seem like that big of a deal. Are organic foods, drinks, and health supplements really that much different than other versions of the same products you could buy? Well, by learning more about what organic really means you can decipher quite a few benefits to going organic.

Here are some of the top reasons to purchase organic products:

  1. No antibiotics: in the United States, a lot of livestock is often fed antibiotics to help protect against illness. This makes it much easier for farmers and ranchers to raise animals in crowded lots that are prone to have unsanitary conditions and spread more disease. The FDA limits the use of particular antibiotics, but loopholes are still prevalent in this legislation. Organic ensures your meat is raised without any antibiotics.
  2. No synthetic hormones: livestock (except poultry) may also be injected with synthetic growth hormones that help the animals grow faster and pack on more meat. Synthetic hormones can also help cows produce more milk than they would naturally. For humans, synthetic growth hormones have been linked to an increased cancer risk.
  3. Far fewer pesticides: pesticides and insecticides have long been used in produce to protect against disease and pests that can ruin crops. However, with repeated consumption, these pesticides can have negative effects on your health. Any fruit, vegetable, or grain labeled organic is grown without the synthetic pesticides or artificial fertilizers. This decreases the amount of chemicals you consume. 
  4. More healthy fats: studies show that organic products, such as meat and milk, can contain as much as 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced products. It’s believed that this difference stems from the way livestock is raised with a grass-fed diet. Healthy fats are critical to good health, especially your cardiovascular health.

Conclusion – What Does Organic Really Mean for Health Supplements?

When it comes to what you’re putting into your body, you only want the best. That’s why it’s so important to be selective when picking out your health supplements and vitamins. With so many options out there, it can be hard to tell which ones are best. Next time you’re on the hunt for an effective health supplement, make sure you choose one with only organic, all-natural ingredients. Choosing organic ensures you’re consuming the highest quality ingredients and you don’t have to worry about potentially unhealthy chemicals in your supplement.

If you think your health could benefit from incorporating organic health supplements into your diet, then you should learn more about the advanced line of supplements created by PhytAge Labs. With their all-natural health supplements, including popular supplements like Tinnitus 911, Nerve Control 911, Blood Pressure 911, Joint Relief 911, and more, PhytAge Laboratories is sure to have a supplement to address your health needs. Whether you’re looking to address an existing health concern or simply want to maintain optimal health as you grow older, there’s something here for you.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of our high-quality, organic health supplements, don’t hesitate to contact us online or call our support line at 1-800-822-5753. Here at PhytAge Labs, we can’t wait to help you improve your health.
